A brief thought about #oxfamscandal

A brief thought about #oxfamscandal A moral voice for humanity? I wrote this in a blog post over a year ago, In Aid Worker Voices -the book based on this blog analyzing the data from over 1000 survey responses and other interviews from aid workers globally- I argue that, collectively, the global community can be viewed as having a “collective consciousness,” assuming sociologist Emile Durkheim and others are right.  Pushing this idea one step further and employing the notion of globalization –with its myriad and highly charged definitions– if humanity can be said to share a collective consciousness then the aid worker community is the conscience of that consciousness, the part that embodies both the knowledge and the judgement to speak as the moral voice for humanity. At my university, I am teaching a class right now focusing on the aid sector.  Since our semester began, the Oxfam scandal has occupied much of our time. I have … Continue reading A brief thought about #oxfamscandal